



For the 2022-2023 school year New Legacy will continue to follow the guidance of CDPHE and of the CDC when it comes to COVID-19 and the safety of our students and staff. For more details on the guidance, click on the links for CDPHE Guidance and CDC Guidance.

Per CDPHE guidance when in the building, face masks are voluntary for all students and staff.  This includes both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. This will be updated as needed. Thank you for your understanding.

New Legacy highly encourages high school students to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Feel free to reach out with any questions on this.

Also, if a student is not feeling well, they should self-assess and not come to school for the day. Students in this situation should contact their advisor.

 Finally, see below information:

Find out where you and your family members can get vaccinated by clicking here (or go to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment website). 

Communicate with the school any day your child is not coming to school: The most important thing to do throughout this is to communicate with the school.  Please call anytime your child is not in school.  Please call 303-340-7880 and leave a message!

Please know that we will continue to share important information with you via emails, automated phone calls and our website  You can also call us at 303-340-7880.