


Our School

Our Vision

We envision students and young families creating a legacy of education leading to a compelling career, financial independence, and positive parenting. 

Our Mission

The mission of New Legacy Charter School is to provide parenting students with the skills needed to raise healthy children and to engage all students in personalized projects and experiences that develop college and career awareness and readiness.

We acknowledge that New Legacy Charter School operates on the traditional unceded territory of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute people. We acknowledge and honor the original inhabitants of this land and support the resilience and strength that all Indigenous people have shown worldwide.


Check out our new video from National Charter Schools Institute!


New Legacy Charter School works with a particularly vulnerable population, yet its accomplishments outpace state and national averages.



New Legacy’s 2024 graduation rate was 74% overall and 75% among teen parents, which is 50% higher than the national average for teen mothers (Child Trends 2018).

Early Learning


New Legacy’s Early Learning Center is rated level four out of five through Colorado Shines, putting it in the top 13% in the state. 

Child Development


During the 2023-2024 school year, 88% of Early Learning Center students met or exceeded age-appropriate developmental and school readiness milestones.

Parenting Skills


Last year, 95% of New Legacy’s pregnant and parenting students showed growth in parenting skills and child development knowledge over the course of the year.

Employing a 2Gen Model of Education

Click here for a new video featuring some of our wonderful 2023 graduates.

New Legacy is the only high school focused on serving teen parents and their children on the east side of the Denver metro area, and it is the only one anywhere in the metro area serving teen mothers and fathers. New Legacy is unique among charter schools in that it employs a two-generational (2Gen) approach to education, providing support to both parenting teenagers and their young children. Five major programs serve New Legacy students:


High School

The high school offers a flexible curriculum that prepares students for the future by promoting career and/or college readiness. Using the philosophy of Big Picture Learning (BPL), each student receives one-on-one academic support and opportunities for personalized and real-world learning at his or her own pace. The high school also includes an English-language learning program that combines language skills with literacy and academics.

Early Learning Center

Childcare is one of the biggest obstacles to teen parents’ consistent school attendance. With its onsite Early Learning Center (ELC), New Legacy removes this barrier. The ELC serves children ages six weeks to five years, preparing them for kindergarten and beyond. It also allows for a Parenting Lab in which pregnant and parenting students apply techniques they have learned in their Parenting classes.

As of January 2023, Colorado is offering Universal Preschool. Click here to read about the program and sign up.

Parenting Education

Parenting classes are required of all pregnant and parenting students. Through this program, students learn about child development and positive parenting strategies. The class includes a Parenting Lab where parents spend time in their child’s classroom and put into practice what they have learned in class.

Real-World Learning

Through the Real-World Learning (RWL) program, students can discover what post-secondary options (college, vocational programs, careers, etc.) are best suited to their goals. The program includes interest inventories, college visits, internships, college classes, work-study programs, certifications, and other real-world learning opportunities. Students also have the opportunity to participate in internships that enable them to spend time in the workplace exploring career paths and gaining professional skills.

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is a strong overall component of New Legacy and is woven into all programs. The school’s health and wellness programming plan aligns with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model. The curriculum includes comprehensive sexual health (covering birth control, healthy relationships, and reproductive wellness), healthy parenting, healthy pregnancy, mental wellness services, fitness and movement, a healthy breakfast and lunch for all students, and whole-family engagement.

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