High School
Graduation Rate
Our high school graduation rate averages 80%, which is 60% higher than the national average for teen parents
Workforce Readiness
61% of New Legacy seniors graduate from high school with at least one professional license or certification
About Our High School
New Legacy is two schools in one. Our high school serves all students with an emphasis on pregnant and parenting students. Our onsite Early Learning Center (ELC) primarily serves the children of those high school students.
To learn about eligibility and enrollment, click here.
High School Curriculum
New Legacy exists to meet the needs of all high school students, including pregnant and parenting students. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds—many have children, many have previously dropped out of school, many are age 19 or older, and many do not have stable housing. Our flexible curriculum is designed to help students catch up quickly—even students who think they do not have enough credits to graduate on time.
Whatever your circumstances, New Legacy can help you tailor your education to meet your needs and goals. Our personalized academic, social, and emotional support will help you work toward college and career goals. You will work with your advisor to tailor your high school experience to honor your unique needs, circumstances, and goals. Classroom learning is focused on YOUR interests and goals and will help you see how what you do in the classroom connects to your life after high school.
You’ll take classes like Jath and English alongside unique offerings like Career Pathways, Maker Space, Mindfulness, and Entrepreneurship. You’ll also complete interest-based projects and present your work during quarterly Exhibitions. Check out our current course catalog here!
Real-World Learning
New Legacy’s ultimate goal is for every student to graduate with a high school diploma and significant real-world experience. We aim for our graduates to have robust professional networks, increased earning potential, and meaningful work experience.
Real-World Learning can be anything that prepares students for their lives after high school regardless of the path they choose to take. To graduate, all students need to complete 120 hours in one or more of the following opportunities:
- Shadow Days
- Informational Interviews
- Career Fairs
- College Classes
- Internships
- Professional Certification/Licensing Programs
We’ll help connect you with exciting opportunities based on your own interests and goals.
Parenting Education
Parenting classes are a graduation requirement for all parenting students. Classroom lessons will help you learn how to build your bond with your child, understand their needs, and communicate with them effectively. Then, during Parenting Lab, you’ll visit your child’s ELC classroom and practice the skills you’ve learned in Parenting class. You’ll get hands-on support and feedback from your child’s teacher.
Pregnant students take a similar Pregnancy class until they return from maternity leave with their babies and enroll in Parenting clas. Birthing parents get six weeks of maternity leave during which they are supported by the perinatal coordinator so they don’t fall behind in school.
We also offer peer support groups for pregnant and parenting students.
What Students Are Saying
“They help you achieve your goals and show you that you are not alone. New Legacy has allowed me to unlock my full potential. I look back and laugh at the old me. I thought I couldn’t do it. And now I stand here today as a graduating senior.”
“People say being a mom comes naturally, but that’s not always true. And [in Parenting class], we don’t just talk about parenting; we talk about teen parenting, which has its own unique challenges. At other schools, you would definitely be judged by everybody. There’s no judgment here. There’s so much room to grow.”
“As teen parents, we constantly have to face stereotypes the world has for us. But New Legacy has helped all of us redefine how the world looks at us. We have accomplished so much, worked tirelessly, and overcome so many obstacles to show up for school every day. The world is waiting for each of us to leave our mark, and use our talents and skills to go out and make a difference.”
“[My teachers] gave me so much support and love, and that is something I was not used to having in school—especially from teachers. I will forever feel in debt to the school for all of the support I have received.”